Friday, November 11, 2011

My Life In The Forest Of Lotikong, Batu Kawa,Kuching,Sarawak,Malaysia.

The former landlord left us a number of old, some said to be more than 40 years ,but long-unattended durian trees somewhere along the

Stone Swallow Road
, Lotikong here. All these years these loving trees kept me very busy when any of them bearing fruit for I’d have to see the fruit fell in its good shape and not to be eaten by those naughty but troublesome creatures— the squirrels. 

To prevent the squirrels jumping from another tree onto the durian tree, I’d have to saw or chop down all the trees around the durian tree.

The lower part, about 4m from the ground, of the trunk had to be covered with zinc sheet or smooth plastic sheet all around so the the squirrels wouldn’t cross over it. 
Almost everyday I can see some young durians falling on the ground and when I start counting them, I feel, as Connie Francis had said: “heartaches by the number!”   

Nowadays, I believe that one seldom listens to the radio broadcasting services provided unless he is in the car or he who lives in a remote place where electricity is unavailable for him to watch TV or the like. Like me, when I am in my garden, I use to listen to my dry-cells operated small radio. I may work by the side of the small stream, in the valley, in the fish pond or even at the top of the hills; the radio is always on near me.
Not long ago, an old song which I might have completely forgotten flying from the little thing into my ears. Alas! That was “Top of the world” sung by the Carpenters. Memories struck my head to tell me that many years ago one of my staff used the song to compose a group dance from it. That was great!
Ah ha! I am now up on a tree at the top of the hill and I am on the “Top of the world”! TQ Red FM!


这棵cenpedak树,今年产量多,5 0粒有吧!


天堂鸟花(Paradise Bird Flower)

天堂鸟花,原产地非洲南部,当地人视为自由˛吉祥˛快乐幸福的花。因为这种花的外形酷似天堂鸟,所以得名天堂鸟花。英国国王King George III的妻子Queen Charlotte 曾经极度钟爱这种花,为此,后人将Queen Charlotte的家乡名字Strelitzia,作为了这种花的学名。在中国,这种花被唤作鹤望兰,象征自由和吉祥。值得一提的是美国洛杉矶(LA) 已将天堂鸟花作为市花。1 9 8 4年第2 3届奥林匹克运动会在LA举行时,天堂鸟花还成为对金牌获得者的特殊奖励。正因如此,它也被人们称誉为胜利者之花


My Life In The Forest Of Lotikong, Batu Kawa


 2 0年前吧,在石隆门,常常看到同工Willie SimMimu店吃面。
“Willie, 你很喜欢吃面哦?
4 0年前,在民丹师训学院受训期间,逢周六早,学院巴士都有载学生下民丹市镇。好友Matthew Jingan, 黄公镜与本人一下巴士就急着去享受一盘干盘面,午间回学院以前,再吃一盘。黄公镜吃面超快,一盘面呼呼呼三几声,就吞下肚!吃面有术!这是他自己说的。
同时,我也常常替女同学打包,一包50仙,我收 60仙,赚点小外快。一次1020包,常有的呢!

My Garden Dogs

At the beginning, I keep 4 local-breed dogs to help me to look after my garden at Lotikong. They are: Heizui, Baizui,Shuoshuo and Xiaomugou. Unfortunately, just a month ago, Shuo-shuo simply disappeared to nowhere. We waited and waited but he never came back again. It is believed that Shuo-shuo, perhaps, been beaten by some poisonous creatures and died on the spot.
 I have 3 faithful dogs left in my garden now.
Every day I use to bring some food from home for my dogs. Sometimes I cook what I can get from my garden . If I am away from Kuching which I always did, my neigbour, Lao-Lai , would help me to look after them. And if both of us all are not in town, I'll have to send them to my old home in Simanggang. This is to make sure that they are safe and well-feed.
At all time, all my 3 dogs are very watchful and alert. When seeing strangers passing by, they will rush and bark at them. But they never bite." Barking dogs never bite"?. From the moment I had these dogs, naughty boys living nearby never stepped into our gardens again…leaving our precious fruits untouched, expensive gardening tools lying elsewhere on the ground  for days not being taken away…
One of the great jobs my dogs do every day is to chase away the fruit-eating squirrels. It is indeed excited to see each and every one of them running from this tree to that tree and making an attempt to climb up the tree even though none of them was successful…

Every evening just before the darkness fall, one can see all the dogs smartly on guard, looking up the trees and waiting the squirrels to appear. It is the time for the squirrels to come over and enjoy my Brazilian longans. When I notice anyone of them felt a little bit uneasy, I know that the nuisance creature is coming.  "Bang! Bang…" I make the sound of a gun-shot and hit the plastic bucket "Pong! Pong…"to help my dogs to scare the creature.
 Once, somehow or rather, a scared-to-death squirrel fell onto the ground and at that very moment, Xiaomugou jumped on it and grasped it with its mouth. Baizui and Heizui restlessly barked and barked at the helpless small creature. The squirrel would be dead soon. What should I do now? Ha! As l had done before, I used a piece of cloth to cover the squirrel and separated it from the mouth of my dog. What should I do, then? Kill it? Pagang it? No! I took it down town, to the riverside and let it go in the trees at our beautiful Water Front.
"Wah…uncle, you got the tupai again!" The stall-gadis smiled and said.
As I left the spot,  I heard voices from the tree singing:
" Please release me…and let me go…."


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